The Kalugahair factory is the first and largest domestic enterprise for the production of hair extensions and postizherny products.
Since 2015, Kalugahair factory has been licensed to provide educational services under vocational education programs, on the basis of which it conducts professional hair bleaching and dyeing courses (License of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kaluga Region No. 382 dated November 20, 2015).
The vast practical experience accumulated over 20 years of successful operation of the factory allowed us to develop training courses based on innovative author’s methods.
Since January 2024, the Kalugahair factory has been launching a new group of training courses that contain current technologies. Workshops aimed at direct transfer of experience from factory masters to students are of particular interest. The training takes place at the Kalugahair factory in the Kaluga region. A feature of the technologies offered at the training is the low cost of bleaching and dyeing, not exceeding 1000 rubles per 1 kg of hair.
You can get acquainted with the detailed content of each proposed training course in the work program on the website in the training section. Upon completion of training, a certificate of advanced training is issued.